Jamie's Adventures!
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An Awesome Offer And A Bit Of Publicity
     A bike shop near Canterbury called BikeTart have decided to be amazing and help out our fundraising efforts. They have offered to donate 5% of the cost of any items bought on their website to the cause; all you have to do is put in the code cycle4papworth  at the checkout on their website - www.biketart.com - and you will not only be getting some awesome kit and also helping out in a massive way! BikeTart stock all kinds of bikes, parts, clothing, etc, and are particularly kickass if you want the most awesome mountain bike known to man! I genuinely recommend you check it out, its pretty swish! So please feel free to pass on the code 'cycle4papworth' on to anyone and everyone you know so that they can get some cool toys and help out in an awesome way :D
On Friday, as some of you may know, I was featured in The Biggleswade Chronicle; which is pretty awesome if you ask me! The article was called Turning Wheels for the Hospital and will hopefully raise the profile of the bike tour, Papworth Hospital and the Charity. According to one of my friends it made me sound like a hero! (sadly it's not true, unless being lanky is a superpower?) If you fancy checking out the article, take a peek at my Press page.

     This week I once again managed to miss the gym on Monday (I like sleep), so had to make it up on Tuesday by doubling up. I hit the gym early in the morning for Chest & Back and then again in the evening for Legs & Core. Both sessions were pretty awesome and I felt strong which is nice. On Thursday and Friday due to uni work and sorting stuff out before heading home for easter I didnt have time for my usual 2 hour ride and gym session so sadly had to give them a miss.
Rugby, The Home Of Rugby
The Cycle To The Shire
     On Saturday I had the idea to cycle home from uni (my mum picked up my stuff first, im not that strong :P). I set off at 12:45 and the weather was absolutely amazing! The route I took kept me mostly on smallish roads and covered 77 miles of countryside; Check out the route HERE. It took me 6 hours and 15 minutes to get home, which means I managed to stick to my target speed of 12mph even though I spent about 10mins an hour eating and taking loads of photos (a few of which you can see HERE). So all in all  it was a success (if you dont count me accidentally going into the centre of Rugby instead of going round the edge...); I didnt even feel achy the next day! I worked out afterwards using a Calorie Burn Calculator that I burnt 4331 calories on the ride; trying to eat enough to cover that was really hard and I dont think I managed it in the end, despite huge quantitys of pasta and homemade flapjacks (yes I bake :D). I am going to have to really force myself to eat on the bike tour so I dont burn out before the end.

Gym Signup
     Whilst I am back home I dont wanna miss out on the gym action so popped over to Biggleswade Gym (which is an 11 mile trip on the bike to get there and back again, see the route HERE) on Sunday and signed up. I spoke to them before I signed up explaining that I didnt think I needed the inductions, but they insisted and I promptly gave them £25 of my money for them. I went this morning, and after all the fuss to do with inductions the lady decided I didnt need them, but still kept my £25, me thinks I smell a scam! Anyways rant over, I had a really good session in the gym, doing my Shoulders, Arms & Core to make up for missing it on Friday. The gym itself is nicely kitted out and a lot less busy than the uni one; it should be a good few weeks of epic burn!

     This week I also went a bit buying crazy and bought a handlebar bag which has an awesome map case on top, new bike lights and a saddle bag. All of which were very useful on my ride home from uni! (well not the lights, i finished before dark.. but still). I Also went a bit more mad Sunday night with the money and bought the maps I am going to need for the tour so I can start some decent route planning, as well as rear panniers and a pannier rack; exciting times! The new bits should hopefully turn up at some point this week so then I can crack on with route planning and training with the weight I will be carrying during the tour!

It's Hard To Look Cool Riding One Handed Downhill & Trying To Not Drop The Camera!
Final Notes
     Thats about it for this week, Once again something exciting is in the works so do check back next week to see how things have gone! I will leave you with an action shot of me sweating/riding home from uni and something that I thought about whilst on the ride; those of you who are not a fan of mildy crude things should probably stop reading now (although I know you wont!)

     I noticed whilst on my ride that there is something deeply disturbing about passing wind whilst wearing padded cycling shorts and no boxers, weird...

             Jamie x

Please consider supporting my challenge and donate to Papworth Hospital Charity, even if it is just £1 (I promise this amount is entirely acceptable and really appreciated!), it all adds up and can dramatically change someone’s life for the better!

5/4/2011 12:52:56 am

hmm....sorting stuff out and uni work is that what friday was ....not tiredness and food eating :P

Jamie Menzies
5/4/2011 05:57:06 am

Il have you know that 80% of muscle building is all about the nutrition! And without rest you cant get stronger... so therefore I was really training :D

8/4/2011 02:15:02 am

hmm...arguable :P

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