Jamie's Adventures!
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Gear Trouble
     Last week I had to finish my 65 mile cycle at an insanely slow pace because I was under the impression that my right shifter had broken, I found out on Wednesday that I was wrong! It was in fact...
The Offending Item, Broken Gear Cable
a broken gear cable which made itself known by leaping out at me when I was fiddling around with the 'broken' shifter; this pleased me a lot as it is a much easier fix. I popped along to Albany Cycles and handed over my bike, within 2 hours I got a text saying that my bike was fixed and I went back to pick it up and pay the reasonable price of £10; which means the bike is no longer useless!

     Fundraising has once again gone really well this week, we are now on a massive £1695!! Thanks to everyone who has donated. To date I have sent 79 thank you emails/messages, and that's in less than 2 weeks! This means that once again we have underestimated peoples kindness, also we have had our second target smashed! So I have been a bit cheeky (again) and set a new target of £2240. We have already managed to raise £1 for every Mile that I will be doing, now I thought it would be a fun idea to try and raise £1 for every Km I will be cycling. So once again I am asking everyone to dig deep, and spread the word so that we can smash this target as well!

     This week training took on a slightly different shape than normal, purely because I had so little time. I managed to miss the gym on Monday (chest & back) so I decided it would be a good idea to double up workouts on Tuesday. So I hit the gym Tuesday morning and did Chest & Back, and then went back again in the evening and did Legs & Core. In between these 2 workouts I stuffed my face as much as I could so I wouldnt burn out in the evening. I have a pretty fast metabolism so eating enough to gain muscle when i just work out once a day is hard enough, but 2 intense workouts in 1 day is a whole new level of eating. From now on I am going to avoid doing this as it can be a bit of a pain in the arse.

     On Thursday I didnt have time for my normal 2 hour bike ride, so instead I popped in to the gym again and did a very intense legs session that I managed to get finished in 45mins, which has to be some sort of record for me! That well and truely ruined my legs!
Spot Of Climbing At Stanage Edge
     Over the weekend I couldnt do my normal long ride because I was away with CUMS (Coventry University Mountaineering Society), however I did get a good workout on Saturday doing a spot of outdoor climbing at Stanage Edge, and an even better workout on Sunday (whilst hungover) doing a spot of Caving. The cave we did was pretty physical in places and at one point involved crawling on my chest through a really low tunnel with just my head poking out of the water for what felt like forever!

Lost In Memorial Park (Or Was I Just Posing...)
Fun In The Park
     I have had a few people say to me now that it would be good to see some photos of me and the bike (some even suggested a few of me suffering on the bike!). As I didnt go for a ride this week (other than nipping around town) I decided to pop to the Memorial Park and take a few photos. This felt really weird, and now I think about it it probably was, and does explain why people were looking at me weirdly. I ended up taking 59 photo's, which after looking at them again I cut down to just 6 that were not terrible; you can see the results on the Photos Page (theres the long awaited photo of my in cycling shorts in there, so check it out!)

Final Notes
     And that is it for another week, I tried to make this post shorter than last weeks but I fear I have failed. Next weekend I am heading home for the easter holidays so I can start getting some big miles done, I even have plans for a mini 4 day practise tour to see how things are going, but more on that later. So thanks for reading, feel free to leave some comments (it might even be nice to do so!) and I will give you some more exciting news next week. There are a few things in the works that might come in to fruitiion this week, so be sure to check back next week to see what they are!

             Jamie x

Please consider supporting my challenge and donate to Papworth Hospital Charity, even if it is just £1 (I promise this amount is entirely acceptable and really appreciated!), it all adds up and can dramatically change someone’s life for the better!

Kate Menzies
3/4/2011 08:46:42 pm

Is anybody else reading this apart from me?! Good work though!! i may consider taking up jogging this week...your intense work out has shamed me! x

Jamie Menzies
3/4/2011 09:04:40 pm

I'm not convinced anyone is, lol. However I like to think people might have a look once I've done the ride and put a bit of a diary up here. and then they can feel bad about how much exciting training info they have missed out on!

Yeh jogging is awesome,thats how I got fit again last year. If you're competitive (which I know you are!) I recommend you enter a 5-10k run for a few months time, its super motivating to have something to aim for; and to be honest it doesnt matter where you come you'll have a blast and definitely beat someone, lol

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