Jamie's Adventures!
Follow JamiesBikeTrip on Twitter Join One man, Two wheels, Three countries, an An Amazing Cause on Facebook Check out my Photos on Flickr Subscribe to my blog on RSS
     So I am back home from uni for Easter, which has meant two things; 1. Lots of exercise! 2. Im actually doing more work now than at uni, weird! Fundraising is still going brilliantly, we are now on...
£2340! Thank you to everyone who has already donated, if you fancy seeing your name in a long list of awesome people then head over to the Thanks page on my website and find yourself! If you have been putting off donating, or just have the urge to part with some money for a good cause head on over to my Just Giving page and donate! 

     Those of you with a good memory will realise that we have noww beaten our target off £2240. I have once again (for the 3rd time no less!) been a bit cheeky and have put the target up to a nice even £3000, so hopefully we can smash this as well!
Me In My BikeTart T-shirt
Just a little reminder to all you biking people out there; BikeTart (a bike shop) are being awesome and have offered to donate 5% of the cost of any items bought on their website to the cause. All you have to do is put in the code cycle4papworth  at the checkout on their website - www.biketart.com - and you will not only be getting some awesome kit but also helping out in a massive way! BikeTart stock all kinds of bikes, parts, clothing, etc, and are particularly kickass if you want the most awesome mountain bike known to man! I genuinely recommend you check it out, it's pretty swish! So please feel free to pass on the code 'cycle4papworth' to anyone and everyone you know so that they can get some cool toys and help out in an awesome way :D

     This week I have upped the cycling a fair bit, and also smashed the gym 3 times (might as well after all the fuss and money to do with inductions!). All the workouts at the gym were pretty standard, just tweaked slightly due to different equipment. However now I am back home I have to cycle an 11 mile round trip to get to the gym. However I think I may ditch these rides in favour of the car as a 5.5 mile ride (each way) does pretty much nothing for my fittness, but does put me in a bad mood at 8:00pm when I need to hit the gym, and coming back from the gym on Thursday at 10:00pm was way to scary; roadkill is not cool!

     On Tuesday I went for a 63 mile bike ride in what can only be described as 'adverse' conditions; the wind was truely epic. When it wasnt blowing straight in my face and making it a huge effort to move anywhere, it shifted to the side so that every 5 seconds (for hours on end!) I would leap either a metre into the middle of the road, not great for avoiding traffic, or get thrown off the road! Even with all of this I managed to complete the monsterous little ride, it was a very good workout! Unfortunatly I didnt take my camera along for this one (not that I was in any mood to use it), so missed out on taking some photos of a few cool things I saw; I'm going to redo the route at some point so I can take a few photos of these wonderous things! Check out the route here.

The Infamous Angry Geese, dribbling Horse, and Sheep that enjoy the shade (sorry no picture of the farting goat, but it was funny!)

Click on the images to make them bigger
Grafham Water. It Has 10 Miles of Cycle Path Following Its Shore Line, Beautiful!
     On saturday I went out on my second long ride of the week, which was broken up in to 3 parts; All together It was 84 Miles :) All of the animal activity happened on the first leg of this ride; 51 Miles to Grafham Water, around it, and back again. The weather was absolutely amazing, so when I got to the lake (reservoir) I took a bit of a time to relax and chilled out by the waterfront. This is when the crazy Geese turned up! They seemed to object to my presence and that of a couple having a picnic. The couple got scared off by the hissing (after having some of their food stolen as well!) so promptly packed up and moved on. Then the Geese came and attacked me! I bravely stood my ground (whilst cowering behind my bike) which seemed to stump them; Jamie 1 - Geese 0. After that fiasco I went for a very lazy ride around Grafham Water (which is where I saw the overheated sheep :) ), it took me about 2 hours to cover 10 miles, I stopped and sunbathed a lot!

Dribble Covered Handlebar...
     On the way back home from Grafham Water I saw a very tame horse and though "It would be really cool to have a picture of my bike with that horse!" So I got the horse to come over to my bike and then took the picture (which was annoyingly blurry, but didnt have time to take another due to the next bit...). Once I had taken the photo the horse took it upon itself to nibble on my handlebar bag, and then dribbled (or snotted, not too sure) all over my bike! So i wiped off my bike with my shirt (rough!) and spent the next 3 miles laughing my head off about it, it was honestly that funny. Then when I had just about calmed down I whipped past two goats and 1 farted! I dont know what was up with all the animals on Saturday but they were awesome! Anyways I finished off my ride, the last bit of which involved a really vicious hill! Check out the route here (if you do look check out the elevatation gain at mile 49!)

     After finishing this ride I filled up my water bottles again and headed out for a 16 miler with Keira Munns (lets hope me mentioning her embaresses her a bit!). It was very enjoyable and it was nice to go at a leasurely pace rather than bombing it along (or atleast as close as I get to bombing it along!) trying to get the miles done. Check out the route here

     I got back in from this ride and decided that I probably hadnt gone far enough so far that day, so I ditched my bag, filled up the bottles again and went for a pretty rapid 17 miler to Ashwell and back, managed to make it back in an hour which was good :) (see the route here) so there you have it, 84 miles in 1 day (if you want to see the mega route in one place check this out). After the day of riding I felt suprisingly good, and didnt hurt at all the next day, so I suppose something must be working!

Twitter, Flickr And Other Social Media
     This week I signed up for Twitter, which for those of you that dont know is a site where you basically throw out a few random lines to the world whenever you feel like it. I did this based on a suggestion (ok.. maybe they just mentioned Twitter in passing and I got all excited!) by the guys at BikeTart as it is a nifty way to keep people up to date! So now whenever I feel like it I let out little bursts
of 140 characters or less about what I am up to. So far it has all been related to cycling, the gym or the weather... which admittedly might not be the most exciting news ever, but if you have Twitter and fancy following along then check out 'JamiesBikeTrip'. If you dont have Twitter but still want to see my outbursts of info then check out the bottom my homepage (www.jamiesadventures.weebly.com) where you can see my Twitter feed :)

     One good thing that has come of this is that now when I go on the bike tour I can text in (I have a really old phone...) updates to be posted on my Twitter, so once a day you can check out how I am doing! I thought that was pretty exciting and means I cant afford to slack off otherwise people with know that I have only cycled 5 miles in a day!

     Off the back of this I have also signed up for Flickr! Flickr is just a clever way of putting photos on the internet. Basically I did this as once the tour is over there will be a lot of photos, and I am only going to be putting the best up on this website, but if you fancy seeing a lot more photos then you can check out my Flickr account and browse till your eyes wear out :) www.flickr.com/photos/jamiesbiketrip/ 

     So I am officially now on Twitter, Flickr, Facebook and you can subscribe to this blog on my RSS feed. To make it easier for people to find all of these things I had a little tinker with some website code things.. (I literally played around till luck fixed it all for me!) and now have some clever little icons at the top of each page on this website that put you straight through to the relevent thing, so check it out! Personally I'm quite enjoying the Twitter thing and find my posts both informative and interesting!

Final Notes
     Thats about it for another week, tried to keep it sort of interesting whilst throwing a bunch of information at you. I am starting to really look forward to the bike tour now, and once I am done you can check back here to read a diary of the tour and see thousands (well maybe just hundreds...) of photos of cool things!

     So I will leave you with my favourite photo from Saturdays ride. Quite simply it is a man sorting out his kit for fishing (he didnt know I photographed him, shhh!) So check it out, and feel tranquility wash over you :)
             Jamie x

Please consider supporting my challenge and donate to Papworth Hospital Charity, even if it is just £1 (I promise this amount is entirely acceptable and really appreciated!), it all adds up and can dramatically change someone’s life for the better!

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